Well, here it is.......the Bible study guide from my first every training event with Inter-Varsity. It was the winter of 1976. I went with Wally, Paul, Stretch, and a few others. The main instructor was so hairy he looked like he had just finished an audition as the lion in the Lion King. I forget his name. I forget exactly what he said. But I do remember his encouragement to us about reading the Word of God, studying the gospel of Mark in particular, about following Jesus with passion, and his exhortations about leading a small group study back on our campus.
Every once in awhile..... I pull this study guide out. I look it over. I safeguard it. I thank God for it. I return it to its place of safety, to be retrieved one again the next time I find myself thankful for God's sustaining grace at the feet of leaders with Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship.
Every once in awhile..... I get real nostalgic. I remember younger days on campus as a skinny, scared, lonely kid. The only one on my floor who didn't have a live-in girlfriend or spend Friday nights getting high at the community bong party. I was considered a bit of a misfit.
Every once in a while.....I have a conversation with a parent whose son or daughter is headed off to college. This parent, on this day, was telling me how his son was planning to spend a month this summer training with Inter-Varsity. Thus the walk down memory lane.
This will be some of the best time this young man will ever spend. It is some sort of leadership training. I don't even know what it is, but I do know that it will strengthen his walk with Jesus, sharpen his skills as a leader, and lead to even greater influence on the campus where he regularly leads a discussion group.
Every once in a while.....I am compelled to pray for the young leaders God is raising up to take the reigns of His church. Whether it is the leaders at Oakland, Western, Albion, or U of M, Germany, or Ole Miss......we pray for them all, and the young people from our church who are encouraged by the Inter-Varsity leaders on site, as well as the leaders themselves whom we support.
Every once in awhile.....I return to their website (http://www.intervarsity.org) to see what new resources have been produced for our young followers of Jesus.
Every once in awhile.....I reflect back on 30 years of pastoral ministry and wonder how these young leaders of today will be used by God for His glory because of the preparation and training they experienced in Inter-Varstiy......and I am encouraged. Because I know how I was prepared and trained.......
Schools are wrapping up, winding down, and staffers are preparing for the shift to summer ministries. If you know of someone who is actively working with college students in Inter-Varsity, this is a good time of year to let them know of your prayer support. It is a good time of year to inquire if they have need of any financial support. If you need a name and address, contact me. We support several staff members. Then write them a note, and write them a check. Who knows what God will do with that investment.
A Grateful Soul on the Bluewater Frontier,
Mike Cadrette
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